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This section contains information on the libraries available across all Control Techniques devices.


Libraries -  Programming Reference


CT User Programming Runtime


A low level library that provides basic reading and writing of parameter functions.


CT User Programming Runtime - MCi


A library that provides support for LINT and ULINT datatypes.


CT Standard


A generic library that provides helper functions and function blocks to perform tasks such as changing drive mode,


Device Parameter Libraries


Each supported device in Machine Control Studio has a library that provides access to device menus and parameters.


CT File Access


This library enables access to the file system on a module (this library does not function with a drive).


CT Task Access


This library uses the CmpIecTask library to obtain information about the current task.


CT Modbus Client


The CT Modbus Client library provides an interface to the Modbus function block in the MCi module.


See Also


Quick start
Differences to SYPTLite and Unidrive SP
Unidrive M Programming Reference
Device Features